Monday, June 22, 2009

The Laughter of Deaf Children

So, this place I work, we have community partners which are local organisations working to improve the community. One of them is a school for deaf children. Half the kids are local, or from the Pune area and the other half come from all over the state and live in the school.
Why am I telling you this, well today the volunteers did the first day of a community project with the kids. I went along to have a look see and ended up playing the games with them. Most of the kids can hear a little, and they can all lipread, in Marathi.
The girls did some games and action songs (without the singing) with them. The game they enjoyed most was a balloon race game. The kids get in lines and have to pass the balloon backwards along the line in various ways. We were demonstrating how to play. I was wearing my ankle length, full bodied uniform skirt at the time. The kids roared with laughter playing the game and looking at me demonstrating passing a balloon under my legs, and passing the balloon using only my feet, while trying to keep my dignity intact. (no mean feat, I can tell you.)
Their laughter is so innocent, totally unforced and free. I had real fun today, sometimes doing this job I forget the whole movement is about children, and giving them the space and opportunity to laugh out loud and have real fun.
I want to go back tomorrow and laugh some more, but alas, I have meetings all morning.

PS The crow was back this morning, with a friend, swooping at the dog.

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