Friday, March 12, 2010

Indian Security

I am sitting in a coffee shop in a mall close to my house. My flat is being de-bugged by two very friendly pest control guys, so I am spending most of my day here, happily drinking cold coffees and doing bits of work.
There are security guards at the doors into every place now, especially at places frequented by westerners such as myself.
Since a bomb exploded in a popular western food joint in the city, not far from here, killing 11 and injuring many more, security has been ramped up and there are now additional guards and in depth ‘bag checks’ everywhere.
I recently ate in the Hard Rock Cafe, here in Pune and to gain entry I had to fill in a security log, name, phone number, photo ID type, passport number, company name and nationality. I had to produce said photo ID for inspection and smile for a security camera as well as have my handbag and pockets searched. These measures would be a good thing if the people doing the searches had any training, or the information given checked in any way. I could write any number, name, nationality in the log because the guy there didn't even look at the picture in my passport, never mind checking the number against the one I wrote in the book!
As I write this, I have two bags with me, both are full of electronic equipment, cables and thick books. the guards at the door looked into both and didn’t even ask what they were.
How nice it would be if we could have confidence in the security provided for our ‘comfort and safety’.

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