The funny thing is there is not one case of a foreigner here in Pune with Swine Flu!
It’s not going to be very funny when our next guests arrive on Friday, 65 people fresh from the UK, where they have Tamiflu and safe hospitals and not a lot of fear and panic. It is difficult for them to understand the fear here. If you suspect you have H1N1 in the UK, you go online, fill in a survey, get a drug number and you can get the drugs, quarantine yourself in your house and ride it out. If you get really sick you can go to the hospital where you can be confident of receiving decent care.
If you suspect you have H1N1 here and you, like most people here are in the low earning bracket, you stand in a queue with other people that might have it, (if you didn’t have it before, you probably do after) for several hours for a test, the results of which takes two days to return, If you have it you can try and quarantine yourself in your home, where you might live with anything from 4 to 14 family members, where you might have just one room, you miss work, which may mean no food for your family, hopefully you can afford drugs. If you get really bad you can go to a designated government hospital where conditions are so bad, and over crowded a healthy person would be unlikely to come out unscathed by infection. There are several designated Swine Flu Hospitals. More each week, in the newspapers yesterday they reported the numbers of doctors and nurses in infected each hospital.
So taking 65 foreigners by rickshaw to a busy shopping district may not be the best or easiest thing to do, even if the district is open! Not everyone is panicking, there is a core of reasonable people that still go out for coffee and meet their friends, take reasonable precautions like hand sanitiser in their offices, but not going mask mad.
There is also fun to be had, people have started having Swine Flu Parties in their homes, as most of the bars are shut or empty. The dress codes for these parties range from just silly masks to whole hog bio suits! There are also advice emails regarding the medicinal benefits of vast quantities of alcohol.
I had to take one of our guests to the hospital two days ago, she had asthma, a cough and chest pains, (quite common given the air quality) anyway, we couldn’t get past the gate without masks. She was sent to one of the swine flu hospitals for a H1N1 test, before any of the doctors would see her. Of course, the test takes two days, so it doesn’t make any difference to the doctor who sees her. When we finally did see a doctor, he wouldn’t touch her, made her wear two masks, and only asked her about swine flu symptoms. She could have had anything else, he was only interested in Swine Flu.
I have had a sore throat for a few days, no temperature or any other swine flu symptoms, I wasn’t going near any of our regular doctors, one of the girls had a similar experience to my hospital one with our regular doctor. I asked an Indian friend to recommend someone so he took me to his doctor. Never have I been able to describe a visit to the doctor as a pleasure before. So civilised, not a mask in sight, no fear in his eyes, a real gentleman. I almost look forward to being ill again, just so I can go to see him again!
(I just have a throat infection, in case folks are worried, I already feel better)
It’s ok for me, I’m a foreigner with money, so I can get the best of care.
Dead Irish Girls make too many international headlines...
A new tourist currency for India has been adopted, Tamiflu pills.